Arriving and departing from Peanmeanach
Peanmeanach Bothy is worlds apart from your average holiday let. Here’s how it works...
Plan the timings of your trip carefully and well in advance, especially your arrival time, as it is a two to two-and-a-half hour walk (or kayak trip) to the bothy, and it must not be attempted with darkness fast approaching.
Your confirmation letter and booking pack will confirm arrival and departure dates and times, where to park and details of the route to walk. It will include suggestions for outings, what to bring and what is provided, so you can plan your stay well in advance. Planning food and fuel is key and be sure to share out heavy items. As there is no caretaker to show you round, you will find detailed instructions in the house to assist you.
When leaving you must take all your food and rubbish with you and leave the bothy clean for the next group to enjoy.
Getting a boat to take you to the bothy. It is now possible to charter a boat from Arisiag Marine (based at Arisiag Harbour) and be dropped off (with all your provisions) a short walk from the bothy. The boat trip from Arisaig to the bothy takes around an hour. Car parking at the Marina is £4.50 per day. The boat is fully insured for up to six guests (the maximum allowed at the bothy). The boat was rented in early 2023 by one party who thoroughly reccomended it. The cost as of 2023 was £480 per one way trip - contact Arisaig Marine on One option if you have two cars is to leave one car at the bothy layby, some walk in (with no rucksacks) others get the boat into the bothy, and then all walk out (as most of the weight of the rucksacks on the walk out will have been eaten/drunk/burnt.)